
Acoustic Signature technologies and innovations

Acoustic Signa­ture turn­tables have always been distin­gui­shed by their use of pio­nee­ring techno­logies. Our deve­lop­ments include the ‘Silencer’ and our CLD (Constraint Layer Damping) techno­logies which reduce platter and cabinet reso­nances to ground­breaking mini­mal levels. Our AVC (Auto­matic Vibra­tion Control) tech­nology lowers the vibra­tions inevi­tably caused by motor rota­tion to a barely measu­rable level. Our Tidorfolon® bearing distan­ced commer­cially avai­lable bearing cons­truc­tions with a level of noise and friction that approa­ched zero and with its main­te­nance-free design.

Ascona NEO

But innovation knows no standstill: For the NEO series all our highly acclaimed achievements were examined by the Acoustic Signature team with regard to their potential for improvement. In this process we have left no stone unturned and pushed the limits of what is technically feasible.
Invictus NEO
This resulted in even more effective Silencer, CLD and AVC technologies and a brand new bearing design with diamond-coated spindle – the Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing (DTD®), which leaves the famous Tidorfolon® bearing behind in terms of precision and robustness.

The Acoustic Signature AVC technology (Automa­tic Vibration Control)

This resulted in even more effective Silencer, CLD and AVC technologies and a brand new bearing design with diamond-coated spindle – the Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing (DTD®), which leaves the famous Tidorfolon® bearing behind in terms of precision and robustness.

The Acoustic Signature CLD technology (Constraint Layer Damping)

Our Cons­traint Layer Dam­ping techno­logy (CLD) helps mini­mizing sound-quality affec­ting vibra­tions so that the cart­ridge can track on a ‘quiet’ turn­table sur­face without reso­nance-related impair­ment. In addition to the Silencer tech­nology, this is achie­ved by unique sand­wich platter cons­truc­tions and parti­cularly sophis­ti­cated material mixes.

The Acoustic Signature AVC technology (Automa­tic Vibration Control)

The bearing is the heart of every turn­table. With the new, main­te­nance-free Acoustic Signa­ture Dura Turn Diamond® bearing, we have suc­cee­ded again in mini­mizing the unavoi­dable noise level caused by the mecha­nical move­ment of the bearing. At the same time a spindle with a diamond-like hard sur­face redu­ces the friction coeffi­cient by 60 (!) percent – optimal condi­tions for world-class sound!
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