product reviews

Visiting Acoustic Signature

With perfect weather replacing the previous day’s rain, we drove for a couple of hours past rolling hills and fields of bright yellow rapeseed flowers until we arrived in the small town of Süssen, home of Acoustic Signature turntables.

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Invictus Neo Turntable and TA-9000 Neo Tonearm Review

THERE’S THAT WORD AGAIN—“NEW.” Probably the most overworked adjective in high-end
audio and merchandizing in general, you see it everywhere and constantly—in advertisements, in manufacturer copy, in showroom banners (and salesmen’s mouths), and, God knows, in equipment reviews (including this one).

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TA-7000 NEO Review

This tonearm can be called “The Feather”. The bearings and fit-and-finish are so smooth and refined that there is a barely perceptible feel of the arm when it is moved by hand.

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Montana NEO Review

The Montana NEO combination broadcasts multiple opposing elements accurately at the same time, and there is no need to choose one or the other, which is an expression of quality.

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